Monday, June 13, 2011

Lectures from a nobody

It has been a good 2-3-4 years already. Have I changed? Nah. I don't see a Utopian world anymore. I see this world as a (insert marley: "fighting for survival...") real world now. I cannot change how the world will take effect on myself/existence. But I can do it to the world. I have learned to relax and take everything easy. No opportunity hogging, dream regretting, would've been moments, piss on someone's foot and run away moves. No more. I have learned to face this world the way I want to face it. I WILL never care if I fail. As long as I face it. It is me not them. And if it is them, let them be. But if they cross me, then it's up to my judgement. In short, doing something in my life does not require the judgement of whether it is the "socially-accepted thing to do," but it is, WHAT IS THE MOST RIGHT THING AT THE MOMENT. If one should do what is wrong to preserve what is good, never hesitate. There are no wrong decisions in preserving what is good. But define "good" precisely. One exist apart from another's existence. His meaning of "good" will differ...

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